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Brian Ewing
This will be Brian’s 1st season as President and 6th on the BAC Board. He was elected President of the BAC in 2017, has helped as tournament director in the past years, and has become involved in the creation of 'Duckpin TV' that has become popular on You Tube and across the entire duckpin community. His home house is Lucky Strike Lanes, where he runs their website and summer league. In 2012 Brian won the Hip Correnti Memorial at Holiday Lanes and A division singles event of the 2013 National Tournament. He is a member of the DPBA and has had success on the pro tour. His high game of his career is 243.

Jack Dansereau
Jack is a member of both the NDBC and DPBA, and returns for his 9thseason on the BAC, and 1st as Vice President. He was elected Vice President in 2017. As the past BAC President, he worked hard to put CT Bowlers first priority & make our state best it can be in duckpin bowling. He also led our state in running the 83rd NDBC National Tournament back in 2013. Jack currently bowls at Holiday Lanes (Mondays). His greatest bowling accomplishment was shooting 600 (3 game set) in a tournament at Barnum Lanes in Stratford.

Tom Dominique
Tom has been a member of the BAC for many years, as well as a member of the DPBA in the past. He will be acting as Treasurer of the BAC for the 2017-18 Season and continues to do a teriffic job. He has also helped to direct state & national tournaments for many years including the 2013 NDBC Tournament at Highland Bowl. He continues to bowl duckpins at his home house, Lucky Strike in Mansfield and participate in tournament throughout the season. He also works at Lucky Strike in his spare time. He is father of two, Lauren and Chad, and is husband of BAC member Dara Dominique.

Dara Dominique
Dara has been a member of the BAC for many years, and will be acting as Hall of Fame Chair for the 2017-18 season. She has also been directing state and national tournaments for years and most notable for acting as tournament director of the annual Frank Barber Eastern Classic held every year at Lucky Strike Lanes in February and March. She also helped at the 2013 NDBC Tournament at Highland Bowl. She continues to bowl at Lucky Strike, her home house. She is also the proud mother of two, Chad and Lauren and wife of BAC member & Treasurer Tom Dominique.

Erik Loteczka
Erik is a member of the NDBC, BAC and the DPBA. This will be his 3rd year as a member on the BAC. He is highly involved in the creation and production of 'Duckpin TV' that has become popular on You Tube, broadcasting events such as the Eastern Classic, Doubles Duels and duckpin bowler interviews. He has been ranked in the Top 10 in Connecticut several times and has won a DPBA Pro Tour Event at Highland Bowl in 2012. He currently bowls out of Holiday Lanes. Erik resides in Manchester with wife Melissa and daughter Everly.

Mary Ann Cochefski
MaryAnn has been a member of the BAC since 1985, and started directing tournaments since 1987. She has served as both Secretary & Treasurer and also represented the BAC at many NDBC Meetings. She started bowling at age 7 at Gilletti’s Bowl O Drome in Middletown. She is a member of the CT Hall of Fame, both Meritorious & Superior Performance. And also served as recording secretary, VP of the North and events director of the WNDA and member until 2008. She is currently not bowling but hoping to soon, and is a proud mom who enjoys watching daughter Kristen become an excellent bowler.

Steve Korik Jr
Steve is a member of the BAC and in his 11th season as a BAC board member, and is the BAC Website director. He also takes photographs of the bowlers in our state. With the help of other BAC members, they help keep the site updated with with information and new ideas. He’s won four state of CT tournaments including the 2010 BAC Series Finals at Perillo’s and has been ranked several times in the Top 10 in the State. He bowls at Woodlawn Lanes on Tuesday's. Steve currently works as an Electrical Engineer and designer and lives in Hamden with his wife Katherine.

December 2017 Meeting Notes
February 2018 Meeting Notes
March 2018 Meeting Notes
April 2018 Meeting Notes
May 2018 Meeting Notes
May 2018 Annual Meeting Notes
June 2018 Meeting Notes
July 2018 Meeting Notes
September 2018 Meeting Notes
October 2018 Meeting Notes
November 2018 Meeting Notes
January 2019 Meeting Notes
February 2019 Meeting Notes
March 2019 Meeting Notes
March 2019 Summit Resolutions
April 2019 Meeting Notes
May 2019 Meeting Notes
May 2019 Annual Meeting Notes
Tuesday June 11, 2019 at 7:30pm (Conference Call)
Tuesday July 9, 2019 at 7:30pm (Conference Call)
*Tuesday August 6, 2019 at 7:30pm (Conference Call)
Tuesday September 10, 2019 at 7:30pm (Conference Call)
Contact for meeting details if you would like to attend.
BAC By-Laws (Revised May 2018)

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